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Stand-up Live

Standing up a live Bitcoin node will require downloading the gildedpleb high availability bitcoin helm chart, editing the values, and then installing the chart.

Before we do that, you should carefully read the documentation on the HAB node chart, and browse examples of how to use it.

Importantly, you will need to create a values.hab.yml file which corresponds to your host-plan and design objectives. This is where the rubber hits the road. And there will be a great deal of customization and unique circumstances dictating exactly how your values.hab.yml look. The original values.hab.yml for the Ionico Base Node is here.

Once you have reviewed the documentation, and have an idea about how your node deployment should look:

  1. First let's get the chart into Helm. On the control computer run:

    helm repo add gildedpleb
    helm repo update

    You can make sure it's added by running

    helm repo list
  2. Then lets copy over the default values to a new values file.

    helm show values gildedpleb/hab > ~/.HAB/values.hab.yml
  3. We will then edit values.hab.yml according to configuration options, examples, resources, and needs of your setup. This is the most difficult step, again be mindful of .yml syntax. Here is a good primer.

  4. Lastly, we will install the chart. First, create a new namespace for bitcoin, and get into that namespace:

    kubectl create namespace bitcoin
    kubectl ns bitcoin

    Before installing, run a template and review it to make sure it looks good and passes validation:

    helm template gildedpleb/hab -f ~/.HAB/values.hab.yml > ~/.HAB/ChartBeingDeployed.yml

    Then, if it looks good, install the bitcoin chart using the values you created.

    helm install hab gildedpleb/hab -f ~/.HAB/values.hab.yml

Did it install without error? Congrats! You now have a Highly Available Bitcoin Node.

To make changes, edit ~/.HAB/values.hab.yml and run the installation command again.

Here are some useful commands to see it in action:

# View the pods, you should have 1 pod for each defined bitcoin instance, something like this:
% kubectl get pods
hab-bitcoind-ha-0 0/1 Init:0/1 0 16s
hab-bitcoind-ha-1 0/1 Init:0/1 0 25s
hab-bitcoind-ha-2 1/1 Running 0 35s

# Take the name of one pod and look up the logs for it here:
% kubectl logs hab-bitcoind-ha-2 --tail=5
Defaulted container "hab" out of: hab, init-hab (init)
2022-12-29T23:46:38Z New outbound peer connected: version: 70016, blocks=769471, peer=401 (block-relay-only)
2022-12-29T23:50:14Z New outbound peer connected: version: 70015, blocks=769471, peer=402 (block-relay-only)
2022-12-29T23:50:41Z UpdateTip: new best=000000000000000000026df884685dd8e297d9d5e686c35dcd5abe9dbf42e916 height=769472 version=0x20000000 log2_work=93.919827 tx=791945937 date='2022-12-29T23:50:26Z' progress=1.000000 cache=77.1MiB(566609txo)
2022-12-30T00:02:06Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000000002aa7c40297d9c401b1f04aa35fedb2b3513f001357704 height=769473 version=0x20000004 log2_work=93.919839 tx=791948046 date='2022-12-30T00:01:50Z' progress=1.000000 cache=77.5MiB(569831txo)
2022-12-30T00:06:03Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000000001371706efcda9dbf0489877d974a661804506577998bf height=769474 version=0x253ca000 log2_work=93.919850 tx=791949222 date='2022-12-30T00:06:00Z' progress=1.000000 cache=77.6MiB(570778txo)

# To run commands against a bitcoin instance:
% kubectl exec hab-bitcoind-ha-2 -- bitcoind --help
Defaulted container "hab" out of: hab, init-hab (init)
Bitcoin Core version v22.0.0
Copyright (C) 2009-2021 The Bitcoin Core developers

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Don't forget you can also navigate to lh.gilded.lan (or whatever you changed it to) to see the provisioning and storage allocations.