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Stand-up Live

Let's now stand-up a live k3s cluster.

Though k3s is fully live and active in its "vanilla state" we can't build anything substantial on top of it without first running some "low level apps" that open up its functionality layers. All these apps will be required to get Bitcoin in the proper environment. As such, completing these steps will be getting Bitcoin not just into the raw state, but into the vanilla state as well. As mentioned, once we lean deeper into the software side of things, we start to get very streamlined.

Live K3s

All of these apps can be installed with one Ansible-Playbook command, which we will do at the end, but we may need to edit more than a few settings beforehand. Though pre-sets exist, you should tinker, try to get your barrings, and change a handful of things. We will try to point out all the needed changes and offer basic explanations.


yml is a language that is dependent on white space—this means that the number of spaces before each line of text matter. If you are opening up the playbook in a text editor, be sure to turn off all non-yml auto-formatting, as it may destroy the file. Or use a code editor built to purpose which is how you should do it anyway, for instance, VS Code.

Editing The Live Settings

Before you do any editing, in a text editor, open up the file K3s/standup-live.yml. It will be the playbook that we run, and the next few sections here will follow along with it. In particular, you should pay attention to the following include_tasks, and how those included tasks point to the K3s/charts/ directory.

# Install k3s automated upgrades
- include_tasks: tasks/system-upgrade-controller.yml

# Add and Install nginx
- include_tasks: tasks/nginx.yml


# Add and Install Cert Manager
- include_tasks: tasks/cert-manager.yml

# Add and Install Longhorn
- include_tasks: tasks/longhorn.yml

By and large, we will be editing settings that are in K3s/charts/, as such, we will be editing definitions for Kubernetes resources, and not Ansible tasks.

So, lets jump into the actual applications.


The system upgrade controller automates the process of updating the k3s version on each node. Essentially, when SUC (great name...) sees that a new version of k3s is available, it sections off one host ("cordons"), updates it, and then returns it to the pool of hosts ("uncordons"). It first does this for masters and then for workers. In effect, you can think of this entire upgrade app as being declared by the file Ansible downloads and these blocks of yml.

You should be able to see that it uses concurrency: 1 to cordon 1 host at a time while it updates. The defaults should suffice for all, (unless you need to be on the stable release of k3s, as opposed to the latest) but do consult the docs first if you would like to make changes.

To change the SUC settings, edit these files before installing:

  • K3s/charts/SUC/plan-agent.yml
  • K3s/charts/SUC/plan-server.yml
Cordoning may be expencive

If you plan on running a node where resources are regularly maxed out, and/or if your steady-state HAB node does not have N+1 available space, you may be counting down days till downtime with a SUC installed. But, many will not have access to 4 computers to do this anyway, so if that is you, you might consider commenting out this upgrading code in K3s/standup-live.yml so that it is not deployed on your cluster, like so:

# # Install k3s automated upgrades
# - include_tasks: tasks/system-upgrade-controller.yml

This also means you will have to upgrade your cluster manually.


MetalLB is already installed as a load balancer because a load balancer is a fundamental component of a HA system, but let's dive into it now.

MetalLB is a load balancer which opens up your k3s cluster to its wider network: it gives the services on your HAB cluster IP addresses. Don't worry, none of this is public if your LAN subnet is not public and is behind a firewall like pfSense. There are a few load balancers in the k8s universe, but this one is a basic one for bare metal, and self-hosting, which, at the time of research in Jan 2023, many load balancers did not offer. Remember that Kubernetes is cloud native, not edge native, but it does work wonders at the edge!


Nginx (pronounced "Engine-X") is an ingress, it takes traffic which is coming in and says "Ah! I know what to do with this web request". More here. You will need this ingress to handle potentially many things in the cluster, most notably is the Longhorn UI.

There are no settings to change for this one. But you will notice, this is the first block to use Helm, as evident from the lines kubernetes.core.helm_repository and kubernetes.core.helm: in hab-plays/K3s/tasks/nginx.yml. The equivalent commands for this Ansible block are:

helm repo add nginx
helm install nginx nginx/ingress-nginx -n kube-system --set defaultBackend.enabled=false

If you run these commands, and also run them in the Ansible script, guess what? Nothing should happen! Ansible is declarative, Helm is declarative, and Kubernetes is declarative. All of these systems are given instructions like "Hey, we want this software to be defined as such", and if the software is already defined as such, it says, "Looks great!" and does nothing.

Once the ingress controller has been installed, Ansible will wait for the LoadBalancer IP to be available. You can watch the status by running the following command in another terminal window, but do so before standing up live k8s because it will happen fast:

% kubectl ns kube-system
% watch kubectl get services

By the time the Ansible command is finished, you should see something like:

% kubectl get services
kube-dns ClusterIP <none> 53/UDP,53/TCP,9153/TCP 50m
metrics-server ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 50m
nginx-ingress-nginx-controller LoadBalancer 80:31559/TCP,443:31850/TCP 43m
nginx-ingress-nginx-controller-admission ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 43m

Finally, to make sure it is indeed working, open a web browser on your control computer and point it to the nginx-ingress-nginx-controller EXTERNAL-IP (e.g. in the example above) and you should see the infamous

        404 Not Found

This means it's working—that your web traffic is making it to your cluster—but that your cluster has nothing to serve at that address, which is expected. Insert failed successfully memes.


The Cert Manager allows your cluster to automatically issue, request, and sign certificates to encrypt communications.

There are no settings to change for this one either.

We are automatically adding self-signing certs to the manager, so you can deploy services privately. It is out of the scope of this guide to create a public interface (one attached to an internationally resolvable website), though it's perfectly feasible once you have a Cert Manager!

To ensure that it is installed and working correctly, in the cert-manager namespace you should see three running pods. If you wanted, you could open yet another terminal window and watch them get populated with the command, (It will be important to not set the namespace with ns for this, as that will alter the other watch command, if you are also running that):

watch kubectl get pod -n cert-manager

Otherwise, after the Ansible command has run, confirm it's good to go by running:

% kubectl ns cert-manager
Context "default" modified.
Active namespace is "cert-manager".
% kubectl get pod
cert-manager-76d44b459c-hntxp 1/1 Running 0 115m
cert-manager-cainjector-9b679cc6-n8jpv 1/1 Running 0 115m
cert-manager-webhook-57c994b6b9-tkfc9 1/1 Running 0 115m

Above, you should see three healthy pods: cert-manager, cert-manager-cainjector, and cert-manager-webhook.


Alright, now it's time for the big guy: Longhorn.

Longhorn is a highly available persistent storage solution for Kubernetes. It makes managing blockchain data a little more sane. But it's also not without its downsides and added complications. For now, we still think its worth including in the cluster as it will allow us to easily monitor storage, and backup data. Plus, it's a straightforward and useful primer to seeing just how vastly powerful this cluster can become.

First, Ansible will be running this script on the local machine which will use kubectl to spin up pods on each host to make sure everything meets minimum requirements and was installed correctly.

Then, Ansible will run a version of the commands found here and here but will run it in a way as to save secrets safely. Most of the Ansible script herein, will be better understood by also reading these links. Ansible will add a secret for volume encryption, which can be found in the Ansible vault at ~/.HAB/vault-lh-encryption-token, and it will save the authentication password to ~/.HAB/vault-lh-auth-token.

Take note that Ansible installs an ingress, and a certificate. Can you guess what web-traffic directing and encrypting might get you? Access to an in-browsers user interface for your HAB node storage!

The Longhorn UI

To get access to this UI you will need to edit a few lines to meet your needs. Below we have taken care to try and explain all the lines in the ingress, as it is perhaps one of the more opaque parts of this entire process.

Take a deep breath. The only parts you need to edit are the three locations of lh.gilded.lan. And you don't even need to edit those if you don't want to. If you do decide to edit them, they must be the same, and they must match the following longhorn cert. Also, make sure it has a unique sub-domain, domain, and top-level-domain that remains local (like .lan).

Here is the annotated Longhorn Ingress and Cert:

# Version that this resource definition applies to
# Kind of resource definition that this is
kind: Ingress
# The data needed to define the resource for outside services and managers looking in
name: longhorn-ingress
namespace: longhorn-system
annotations: 'nginx' # Use the nginx ingress we previously defined.
# type of authentication basic # A pop-up window asking for a user name and password
# prevent the controller from redirecting (308) to HTTPS
# 'false' 'selfsigned-issuer' # Encrypt using the ClusterIssuer deployed while setting up Cert-Manager
# name of the secret that contains the user/password definitions, this is defined in the longhorn Ansible script, search for "basic-auth" basic-auth
# message to display with an appropriate context why the authentication is required 'Authentication Required'
# custom max body size for file uploading like backing image uploading 10000m
# The specification of the resource internally
- host: lh.gilded.lan # the location of the host
- pathType: Prefix
path: '/'
name: longhorn-frontend # this is a service defined by Longhorn. It is where, 'lh.gilded.lan' will point to, it is the UI.
number: 80
tls: # placing a host in the TLS config will determine what ends up in the cert's subjectAltNames
- hosts:
- lh.gilded.lan # Host to access longhorn
# Name of the certifciate (see `kubectl get certificate -A`)
secretName: longhorn-tls # cert-manager will store the created certificate in this secret.
kind: Certificate
name: longhorn-tls
namespace: longhorn-system
# The secret that this cert will be refering to, the secret `longhorn-tls` will contain the private keys for this certificate. The cert manager will create these private keys once this resource definition is applied to k8s.
secretName: longhorn-tls
# The domain name that this cert will apply to
- "lh.gilded.lan"
# The authority who will be signing the cert, this was defined earlier when we installed the cert manager.
name: selfsigned-issuer

You will also need to add lh.gilded.lan (or whatever you edit it to) to your DNS resolver in your router. It should resolve to the nginx-ingress-nginx-controller LoadBalancer External-IP address assigned above (in our case, for which we got 404 Not Found nginx).

The upshot to getting this kind of exposure to an ingress this early on is that, well, all the cool visual stuff needs an ingress.

Reserve Amounts

Longhorn automatically reserves a % of your host storage for OS. This is a little silly when the storage is in the TB range, and the % is in tens. Ansible will change this limit to 32 Gi automatically. If you would like to change it, in the UI, under the Node tab, you will see, next to each host a column for "Size", in each row there should be a "+32 Gi Reserved". You can also change it to whatever you want in the Ansible script.

Once everything is installed, you can confirm everything is running by navigating in a browser to lh.gilded.lan (or whatever you changed it to). To log in, you will need the user and password created and stored in Ansible vault vault-lh-auth-token (to get these credentials run ansible-vault edit vault-lh-auth-token).

Once logged in, you should see a list of all your cluster storage resources, make sure they line up with reality, issues here may need to be taken care of on a per-host basis.

Stand-up Live K3s

Double check that you are all set and run the command:

apb K3s/standup-live.yml

Did it run without issues? If so, congratulations! You now have a live Kubernetes cluster capable of:

  • Hosting highly available frontends
  • Hosting highly available backends
  • Encrypting traffic
  • Self Updating
  • Persisting highly available data

And, importantly,

  • Hosting any peer to peer architecture, like a Bitcoin Node, in a highly available capacity.

Which is to say, we now have the cluster in a state where we can begin adding arbitrary apps, services, and frameworks to the cluster. And there is an outlandishly large ecosystem out there: logging, analytics, networking, backup, monitoring, alerting, security, and everything else under the sun.

Going forward, we can use both Ansible scripts and Helm install scripts. For Bitcoin, we will use Helm, as the complication that Ansible abstracts away in setting up the cluster is a bit lost for individual one-off apps until we need to install many at once.

Before we launch our HAB Bitcoin node (Layer 3), let's quickly run through tearing down a live cluster.