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Stand-up Live Hosts

Create a Host Plan

Before we can stand up live hosts, we need to organize our machines to declare who is who in the cluster.

Create A Plan From The Plan Template

If you have never created a plan before, run:

awk 'NR>=6' ~/.HAB/inventory/host-plan.tpl > ~/.HAB/inventory/host-plan-$(date "+%Y-%m-%d")

Let's look at what this does:

  • awk is a text manipulation tool.
  • 'NR>=6' means to take all the lines in a file that are after the 5th line.
  • > means take those lines from the file host-plan.tpl and write them to the file host-plan-$(date "+%Y-%m-%d").
  • $(date "+%Y-%m-%d") formats the date year-month-day and appends it to the file name.

If you run this command twice in one day it will reset and overwrite any work you have done in the output file—it's not idempotent—you might consider altering the output file name.

You only need to run that command when your vanilla inventory has changed, you can edit or rename any previously existing host-plans at any time—just refrain from changing the inline definitions at this stage. As in, move the host lines around, but don't change the content of those lines.

Edit the New Plan

We are now going to decide the rolls that each host has.

In ~/.HAB/inventory/host-plan-{inserted-date} (or whatever file name you chose), manually move all your hosts by name. Ansible will use this definition to create a host list, validate it, and build our cluster according to plan.

Some guidelines:

  • Move each hosts to under either leader, lieutenants, or workers and remove the # before the line
  • There can only be one leader. But the title 'leader' is merely semantic for this guide as that will be the host that will start the HA process first. All master hosts will be server hosts in an HA quorum.
  • Total master hosts (leader + lieutenants) here must be odd and must be 3 or more.
  • Worker hosts are all other hosts and can be 0 total hosts.
  • You do not have to activate all hosts: Only removing the # and placing the host will activate a host.

Don't worry, Ansible will also validate the plan to make sure you didn't miss anything.

Example of a valid plan:

# Assign your vanilla hosts to the roles that you would like them to have by  #
# ... giant block of commented text removed for sanity ...
# -*- End Of Unassigned Inventory -*- #

nuc1 ansible_user=hab ansible_ssh_pass=vanillaHab mac=1c:69:xx:xx:xx:xx

pi1 ansible_user=hab ansible_ssh_pass=vanillaHab mac=dc:a6:xx:xx:xx:xx
pi2 ansible_user=hab ansible_ssh_pass=vanillaHab mac=dc:a6:xx:xx:xx:xx

nuc2 ansible_user=hab ansible_ssh_pass=vanillaHab mac=1c:69:xx:xx:xx:xx
pi3 ansible_user=hab ansible_ssh_pass=vanillaHab mac=dc:a6:xx:xx:xx:xx
pi4 ansible_user=hab ansible_ssh_pass=vanillaHab mac=dc:a6:xx:xx:xx:xx
pi5 ansible_user=hab ansible_ssh_pass=vanillaHab mac=dc:a6:xx:xx:xx:xx

At this point, all the heavy lifting with regard to hardware is done. Running the next standup Ansible command, will stand up live hosts, which is to say, your hosts will be ready to stand up a vanilla k3s instance.

Stand Up Live Hosts

Finally, review and then run this script, replace host-plan-2022-03-17 with your host plan name:

apb Hosts/standup-live.yml -e "plan=host-plan-2022-03-17"

One host failed but everyone else succeeded? Run the script again before jumping to troubleshooting.

What Does This Script Do?

Let's look at what this has given us:

  1. We now have new users which are mapped to the role the host has: e.g. "worker" on "pi3". Ansible will be using these users from here on out to perform k3s functions.

  2. We can now ssh into each host using the right role that host has with our SSH keys, e.g. ssh worker@pi3, try it, you should get right in:

    ssh leader@nuc1
  3. In case of SSH keys being destroyed (it has happened to us) we also have a backup way of getting SSH access to the hosts via password entry. Those passwords are encrypted in our ansible-vault which you can view with

    ansible-vault view ~/.HAB/vault-hosts

    Just keep in mind this will print your passwords to the terminal, which is ill-advised, you might want to use this instead, and just don't edit anything.

    ansible-vault edit ~/.HAB/vault-hosts
  4. We have locked out all other accounts, including the raw account user so no one but the named role account now has access to the host, and they need the ssh keys or the encrypted password. This has the added benefit of preventing any Ansible command which needed vanilla hosts from being able to execute those commands.


We could also lock down all unneeded connections via ufw but because we are assuming we are behind a heavy gateway firewall, we don't really need it, as at that point it would mean local machines are p0wned which may indicate a far bigger problem, like an attacker having physical access. But perhaps it might be good to add to the guide one day.

Hosts Are Golden

We how have live hosts 🙌

Before we can move on to getting k3s set up, we need to review how to take down a host. Let's do that now.